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Hypnosis Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a powerful state of focused awareness that can be used to uncover and dissolve the root cause of many issues people suffer from every day. Hypnosis allows you to access all the healing resources inherent within the subconscious mind, promoting natural healing from within.


Hypnosis is used to help people discover the subconscious reasons for their symptoms, behaviors, or habits. When they are discovered, certain tools and techniques are used to help release them and relearn a new positive way of thinking, subconsciously. This is called hypnotherapy.


Hypnosis has been sanctioned and used by the medical community since 1958 to help patients overcome chronic pain, create anesthesia, and heal psychogenic illnesses.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis works by achieving a level of focused awareness, and at the same time bypassing the analytical aspect of the mind. Another way to describe the analytical aspect of the mind is that it is a comparing mechanism. When new information is introduced to the mind, the comparing mechanism compares the new information to what it already believes is either true or false. This is a protective aspect of our mind.


This is why changing habits by willpower alone is so difficult - we often already believe we cannot change, so thinking about making the change happen (using willpower alone) is ineffective. Hypnosis is powerful because with focused awareness the analytical aspect of the mind is bypassed, and new, healthy and beneficial suggestions can be made directly into the subconscious, without the comparing mechanism rejecting these new beliefs. So the change we want to achieve in our life is accepted by the subconscious mind as true, and we see results quickly.

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Hypnosis is safe - it's a perfectly normal and common state of mind we go into naturally every day. You enter hypnosis regularly when daydreaming, watching a good movie, or reading a book. During these activities you remain consciously aware and in complete control, just as you do when a professional hypnotherapists assists you in entering into a state of hypnosis.

What Is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is the applied use of hypnosis. Hypnosis is used to help people discover the subconscious reasons for their symptoms, behaviors, or habits. When they are discovered, certain tools and techniques are used to help release them and relearn a new positive way of thinking, subconsciously. This is called hypnotherapy.

Can I Be Hypnotized?

Yes of course! You've already been hypnotized anytime you watched an enjoyable movie, or read a good book. Hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind that everyone has already experienced. Actually, it's such a normal state of mind that most people don't realize they are hypnotized.


All you need to do to go into a state of hypnosis is be willing and able to follow gentle instructions for reaching a state of focused awareness.

Who Will Hypnotize me?

Lisa Finn is a highly qualified professional. She is registered with the National Guild of Hypnotists and licensed by the State of Connecticut.


In addition, she has achieved extra certification in the advanced hypnotherapy system called 5-PATH® and is a Board Certified Hypnosis Professional with the International Association of Hypnosis Professionals.   

Rest assured that she will treat you with respect, and that your visits are completely confidential.

How Does Hypnosis Work Online?

Hypnosis works very well online!  No traveling, no finding a parking spot, and you get to stay in the comfort of your own home. 


You will need to have a device with good internet service.  A laptop or computer is best, but a phone on a good stand works too.  Headphones with a microphone are also recommended for best results.  You will need to hear me and I'll need to hear and see you.


For the consultation and the first part of each session, we'll be talking, so you'll want to be somewhere private where you will not be disturbed.  Please be sure family members and pets will not distract you.  Moving on to the Hypnosis portion of our sessions, you'll want to be comfortable.  A reclining chair is best, lying down on a couch or bed works well too.  You will want to be as comfortable as possible, so pillows and blankets are always helpful.


Once your eyes are closed and you are listening to the sound of my voice, you are "in the BIG chair" regardless of where you are physically located.


Contact Info

Lisa Finn Hypnosis & Wellness

PO Box 7262, Wilton, CT 06897


Phone: 203-529-1288

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Important Notice

Disclaimer: Services rendered by a hypnotist are held out to the public as nontherapeutic motivational and meditative coaching, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness and flourishing.


© 2025 ButterflyKi LLC dba Lisa Finn Hypnosis & Wellness

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